Monday, 20 February 2012

Baking... ish.

Pre-lent baking was much needed to satisfy my chocolate addiction before I banish all things resembling sugar for 40 days. The cookies were a disaster, but the brownies rock.

But this isn't really about baking. Well, sort of. While tackling the nearly re-hardening melted chocolate and trying to pummel it into my brownie mix, I was half-listening to the news. This is most unlike me, but Mum had left the TV on. However, I was disgusted by some uproar about Loyds cutting 2 million pounds worth of bonuses. That was shocking enough. But that fact that it was to be divided between THIRTEEN executives absolutely disgusted me. Our country is in economic meltdown yet we've got this kind of money to throw about? And for what? Sitting at a computer doing SOD ALL. You never hear anything about people with respectable jobs getting ridiculous bonuses. How well paid is a policeman? Or a nurse? A dentist, doctor or vet? Not THAT well paid and their jobs are worth a million times more to the community. There is something seriously wrong there.

We also had a finance meeting earlier about uni. Mum took the words from my mouth with "why did you have your accident?" I would've been part of the last year to have the lower tuition fees. But so what? The other people there were getting all high and mighty about interest rates etc. Why should the rest of society pay for MY education to allow ME to get a good job? A student loan is the cheapest loan you'll ever have so stop winging about it. Yes, it's going to cost a bloody fortune for 5 years at vet school, but it'll be worth it in the end, and that's all that matters. So quit your moaning.

I had an inspirational ride yesterday and today's was quite productive too, but Pepsi seriously needs the dentist. She's chomping funny and leaning... so if it's not her teeth, it's a behaviour issue with a habit she's developed. I hope not, since that'll take ages to train her out of. We'll see.


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